* File: FogRenderable.js
/*jslint node: true, vars: true */
/*global gEngine: false, TextureRenderable: false */
/* find out more about jslint: http://www.jslint.com/help.html */
// Constructor and object definition
"use strict"; // Operate in Strict mode such that variables must be declared before used!
* @constructor
* @param {Image} myTexture - Image to use as overlay for all unknown areas.
* @param {Number} fogTranslusivness - Value between 0 and 255 for how translusive Fog state is rendered.
* @param {Number} unexploredTranslusivness - Value between 0 and 255 for how translusive Unknown/Unexplored state is rendered.
* @returns {FogRenderable}
function FogRenderable(myTexture, fogTranslusivness, unexploredTranslusivness) {
TextureRenderable.call(this, myTexture);
this.numRows = null;
this.multiplyer = 1;
this.changed = false;
this.textureID = null;
this.fogTranslusivness = fogTranslusivness;
this.unexploredTranslusivness = unexploredTranslusivness;
this.oldUnexploredTranslusivness = unexploredTranslusivness;
gEngine.Core.inheritPrototype(FogRenderable, TextureRenderable);
* Draws the overlay for all unknown and foggy areas.
* @param {Camera} aCamera - Camera for overlay to be drawn.
FogRenderable.prototype.draw = function (aCamera) {
// activate the texture
//repurposed this so it no longer needs to use the ResourceMap
//We aren't loading textures from a file, we do shit to a colorArray that starts black
//->gEngine.Textures.activateTexture(this.mTexture); used to call this,
var gl = gEngine.Core.getGL();
var texInfo = this.mTextureInfo;
// Binds our texture reference to the current webGL texture functionality
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texInfo.mGLTexID);
// To prevent texture wrappings
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
// Handles how magnification and minimization filters will work.
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
// For pixel-graphics where you want the texture to look "sharp" do the following:
// gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
// gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
Renderable.prototype.draw.call(this, aCamera);
* Updates the Pixel Array of the texture to show the current Known area inside a Field of View regardless of previous state.
* @param {type} x - X position of Viewer object in World Coordinates.
* @param {type} y - Y position of Viewer object in World Coordinates.
* @param {type} r - Radius of Field of View in World Coordinates.
FogRenderable.prototype.updatePixelArray = function(x, y, r){
if(this.mColorArray === null){
// get this texture as a pixel array
this.mColorArray = gEngine.Textures.getColorArray(this.mTexture);
var rry = [0,0];
this._wcPositionToIndex(rry, [x,y], [0,-1], [1,0]);
let posy = rry[0];
let posx = rry[1];
let height = r*this.mTextureInfo.mHeight/this.getXform().getHeight()*2;
let width = r*this.mTextureInfo.mWidth/this.getXform().getWidth()*2;
// Makes a circle Only loops through height covering pixel area
for (let y = Math.max((posy - Math.floor(height/2)),0);
y < (posy + Math.floor(height/2)) && y < this.mTextureInfo.mHeight; y++){
// find the width of the circle at that height
// takes into account the size ratio of the fog of war object
let twox = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width/2, 2)-Math.pow(posy-y,2)));//width/2;
//Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width/2, 2)-Math.pow(posy-y,2)));
// half the width, needs to be in pixels
// loop through pixels within that width
for (let x = Math.max((posx - twox),0);
x < (posx + twox) && x < this.mTextureInfo.mWidth; x++){
// find pixel position
let pos = Math.floor(Math.max(y,0) * 4
* this.mTextureInfo.mWidth
+ Math.max(x,0) * 4);
// draw the pixel
//this.mColorArray[pos + 0] = 0;
//this.mColorArray[pos + 1] = 0;
//this.mColorArray[pos + 2] = 0;
while((pos + 3)%4!== 3)
this.mColorArray[pos + 3] = 0;
this.changed = true;
* Sets the changes made in setAsFoggy and updatePixelArray into a single texture.
FogRenderable.prototype.applyTexture = function(){
var gl = gEngine.Core.getGL();
if (this.textureID === null){
// Generate a texture reference to the webGL context
this.textureID = gl.createTexture();
// bind the texture reference with the current texture functionality in the webGL
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.textureID);
// these are preset for now TODO fix this shit
var w = this.mTextureInfo.mWidth;
var h = this.mTextureInfo.mHeight;
// Hijack and repurpose code from Engine_Textures.js _processLoadedImage
// Load the texture into the texture data structure with descriptive info.
// Parameters:
// 1: Which "binding point" or target the texture is being loaded to.
// 2: Level of detail. Used for mipmapping. 0 is base texture level.
// 3: Internal format. The composition of each element. i.e. pixels.
// 4: Format of texel data. Must match internal format.
// 5: The data type of the texel data.
// 6: Texture Data.
gl.TEXTURE_2D, // target
0, // mip level
gl.RGBA, // internal format -> gl.RGBA16UI
w, h, // width and height
0, // border
gl.RGBA, //format -> gm.RGBA_INTEGER
this.mColorArray // texture data
// gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
// Creates a mipmap for this texture.
// Tells WebGL that we are done manipulating data at the mGL.TEXTURE_2D target.
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
var textureName = "textureName";
var texInfo = new TextureInfo("textureName", w, h, this.textureID);
//this.mTexture = textureName;
// these two instance variables are to cache texture information
// for supporting per-pixel accurate collision
this.mTextureInfo = texInfo;
//this.mColorArray = null;
// defined for subclass to override
this.mTexWidth = this.mTextureInfo.mWidth;
this.mTexHeight = this.mTextureInfo.mHeight;
this.mTexLeftIndex = 0;
this.mTexBottomIndex = 0;
this.changed = false;
* Sets all of the the Seen areas to Foggy.
FogRenderable.prototype.setAsFoggy = function(){
if(this.mColorArray === null){
// get this texture as a pixel array
this.mColorArray = gEngine.Textures.getColorArray(this.mTexture);
for (let y = 0; y < this.mTextureInfo.mHeight; y++){
for (let x = 0; x < this.mTextureInfo.mWidth; x++){
// find pixel position
let pos = Math.floor(y * 4 * this.mTextureInfo.mWidth
+ x * 4);
// draw the pixel
//this.mColorArray[pos + 0] = 0;
//this.mColorArray[pos + 1] = 0;
//this.mColorArray[pos + 2] = 0;
while((pos + 3)%4!== 3)
if (this.mColorArray[pos + 3] !== this.unexploredTranslusivness &&
this.mColorArray[pos + 3] !== this.oldUnexploredTranslusivness)
this.mColorArray[pos + 3] = this.fogTranslusivness;
else if (this.oldUnexploredTranslusivness !==
this.unexploredTranslusivness && this.mColorArray[pos + 3]
=== this.oldUnexploredTranslusivness)
this.mColorArray[pos + 3] = this.unexploredTranslusivness;
this.oldUnexploredTranslusivness = this.unexploredTranslusivness;
this.changed = true;
* Changes how dark the Fog state is rendered. A nubmer of 0 has the fog
* completely transparent. 255 sets the fog to completely opaque.
* @param {Number} fogTranslusivness - Number between 0 and 255.
FogRenderable.prototype.setFogTranslusiveness = function(fogTranslusivness){
this.fogTranslusivness = fogTranslusivness;
* Get the current value of Fog visability.
* @returns {Number} - Curent value of Fog visability
FogRenderable.prototype.getFogTranslusiveness = function(){
return this.fogTranslusivness;
* Changes how dark the Unknown/Unexplored state is rendered. A nubmer of 0 has the unknown
* completely transparent. 255 sets the unknown to completely opaque.
* @param {Number} unexploredTranslusivness - Number between 0 and 255.
FogRenderable.prototype.setUnexploresTranslusiveness = function(unexploredTranslusivness){
this.unexploredTranslusivness = unexploredTranslusivness;
* Get the current value of Unknown/Unexplored visability.
* @returns {Number} - Curent value of Unknown visability
FogRenderable.prototype.getUnexploresTranslusiveness = function(){
return this.unexploredTranslusivness;